Are emojis universal? Do you know what 🤡, 🤠 or 💀 is used for?
Emojis are a true universal language… or not.
Do you know what it means if you send a 🤡, 🤠 or 💀? Why is the poop (💩) smiling?
In the same way that language changes and some words become old, they are readjusted or invented over time... the same thing happens to emojis.
You, millennial, did you think you were at the linguistic forefront for communicating in the “family” chat with 🥰 and 🤣?
Today, with the excuse of International Emoji Day, we discover the most 🔥 in the emoji cat world so that you continue to feel like an eternal teenager.
Emojis are the popu language that 'Esperanto' never became
From a sincere expression of joy 😂, to a spicy metaphor (🍆), we have all sent an emoji at some point. All sinners.
And, since we saw the birth of emojis - and you were already in this world, I remind you - they have already grown enough to become their own language . Experts support it, even if it is as a tool for transmitting feelings that allows us to use the 🍑 or the ✊ and the 💦 without feeling childish or reprehensible.
Today, 20% of tweets include an emoji, there are more than 3,000 and they have become an accepted tool for communicating in the work environment or even as valid evidence in a trial ( true story ).
The B side? - that evolves. Like all languages. And you may already be out.
The new generations or zoomers (those who were born between the mid-90s and early 2010s... those who are now between teenagers and twenty-somethings, wow) are redefining the codes of emojis. Let's take as an example the most popular emoji of our time: 😂
Today, it is one of the most divisive emoji on the Internet , in part because young people use it as a 'joke' only to respond to mothers and/or grandparents.
They make fun of their elders, Sacrebleau.
- When they want to get upset they use 💀 instead of 🤣
- When they make fun of an apparently serious phrase or thought (because they think that person is making themselves obvious or ridiculous), they end with a 🤡
- When they are stunned they write 👁️👄👁️
- When they want to put on a good face but in reality they are dying inside they send 🤠
- And the thing goes on and on ...
New generations are taking the literal meaning of emojis and rolling a metaphorical blunt with them.
From Siwon, we recommend two strategies:
- Make up new emojis or
- Have your own
Unicode is the politburo of emojis. There, new batches of emojis free of double and triple meanings are created and released from time to time.
Although it may seem like a joke; Emojis have a dense and confusing regulation to be created. Worse than collecting your ERTE payment or the papers to apply for a self-employed subsidy.
In Emoji Request , you have a kind of popular poll where people vote for their next favorite emoji; that is, the one they want Unicode to approve. There's everything: from dub to facepalm (not this one 🤦♂️, another one) to a black diamond or a guy in a balaclava.
2. Inventing your own language: Go ahead 🔥...
The key, remember, is, above all, non-literality. The more layers and layers of irony and bad shit, which turn the meaning of each emoji into an indecipherable enigma for anyone who is far from your chupipandi, the better.
Get a chupipandi first, of course.
And if you're already half past the hassle and stress of keeping up to date... well, assume you're in that happy no man's land. You are not like your aunt who still shares photos with 'Blessings', fake news and flowers on WhatsApp... But you also do not recognize those tiktokers who appear on TV from time to time and who have more followers What inhabitants does Malta have?
You stayed in the 🙈 and with the 💃. And you know exactly what to do when you see a 🔥 or a 💦 on your phone (heed the call to put out fires, that is).
You are 👌 just as you are.
And as well as closing and commercial promo, let's see if you can guess what we mean.