Introducing DRAGON SHOT: the epic anti-shine moisturizer

“It simply isn’t an adventure worth
telling if there aren’t any dragons”
J.R.R Tokien
Start your daily adventure with a ¡TU TUN! As if it were a Netflix episode, it is even more believable if you ride your own dragon.
Never has waking up early and yawning in front of the mirror been so epic... as when you accompany them with our moisturizing cream: Dragon Shot
The same thing happened to us. Our eyes lit up with the promise of the new brand on duty 🤩... and after disbursement and after a day of use, the only thing that shone... was our forehead, but in a style that we could guide to ships that were lost among the fog.
And, we understand... some standards change and what, for my mother is a “light cream”, to me seems like an oil painting on my face.
That's why we needed to design our own formula from scratch. And we were clear about the vibe we were looking for:
1. "Battle" Moisturizer
One of those that you wear every day and repeat. Make it so easy to use that your routine doesn't weigh you down and you leave the bottle abandoned after 5 days. That, once and for all, you don't have to make an effort to start taking care of your skin.
2. Light in texture
Water-cream or something almost close to water, that feels fresh, smells very little so as not to scratch you (but delicious, yes) and is delicious as soon as you put it on. Absorption in seconds? Instant absorption! Say!
3. Let him take me away I danced it the shine of the face
Because there is nothing more annoying than seeing my reflection in the office windows or in the shop windows on the street. Because I don't want to be a walking paella pan. Because it's enough to steal napkins from the bar and leave them translucent if I wipe them on my face.
Well, to make it easier for you to get started with cosmetics, in a very easy way, with immediate pleasure and without shine on your face throughout the day.
The moisturizer that adapts to your daily life to what you allow to rub on your face (and in many places we have fought to find out what we like and what we don't, do you understand me? 😉)
We have included in the formula:
Dragon's Blood. Which as an ingredient name can't be more #fuckingmolar. Then you scratch and you see that it is the name of a red resin that is obtained from the fruits of some Asian palm trees, but the epicness and the antioxidant and regenerative capabilities make it worth including and talking about. In addition, due to its anti-inflammatory healing properties (millennial herb roll), it is indicated for all skin types, including very sensitive ones.
Hyaluronic Acid which is well known for its hydrating properties (it absorbs water, but also prevents it from escaping from your skin). By having hydrated skin, it also helps to hide expression lines and minimize the dry-hangover face you may have.
- Ginseng to give life to your face, especially in the mornings, when we know you need the shot of extra energy apart from the caffeine in your vein. In addition, it helps delay skin aging and combats the negative effects of pollution and haters.

Well, every day and, since the texture is so light, you can repeat it as many times as you want (especially if your skin notices tightness in autumn or winter... which is an issue that causes many lizards walking in the streets).
You can take it to work or the gym and show off its cool packaging, we've known that for a while.
The bonus: as it has such a light roll texture that transforms into liquid upon contact with your skin, it is suitable for skin with 3-5 days of beard.
In conclusion, Daenerys Targaryen is going to look like a lizard-breeding fan next to you because, although it may seem basic, having a moisturizer and using it daily is the easiest, most obvious and most forgotten hack to show off fresh skin and a squeezable face.
You will immediately notice that when you come back from the street your forehead does not shine as usual but, with the passage of time, a hydrated face guarantees that you delay the appearance of wrinkles, making your skin shine smooth as a drum and it gives you a happy 'normal' tone like when you drink 1 little wine or sleep for more than 8 hours in a row. All advantages.
If you know that you need water every time you get healthy: because you watch what you eat, because you go to the gym more or when you want your hangover to go away quickly... why would the skin on your face be different?
Of course, it's not worth getting your face wet... to absorb water, better ask our Dragon for help.

Moisturizer with water-cream texture and anti-shine for daily use. Moisturizes, removes shine, antioxidant.
We do cool right!