My Testosterone’s Down, My Mood’s a Mess

My king, if lately you're more tired than the mechanic of the Transformers, you've got 'love handles' on the sides of your belly and after the first pump you feel more like spooning than thinking about the second round... your testosterone levels might be through the floor.


Today we talk about the 'rule' of men, about our 'cycles', about our 'menopause', sudden mood changes... and what to do to keep feeling like an alpha wolf or, at least, a fit shepherd dog for many years.


Testosterone is the Chuck Norris of your hormones. It's the one that caused your voice to change, made your testicles drop, gave you a beard and hair all over, the one that made you hotter than a slide in summer when you were a teenager. But it's not just about libido: it's also the hormone that regulates your metabolism, your energy, and even your mood. A good level of testosterone makes you feel like a Viking ready for battle at all times.


Men also have our hormonal cycles, although they are not as pronounced or regular as women's. The most significant, in fact, are DAILY with peaks of testosterone that alternate about 6-7 times a day and last about 20-45 minutes. Waking up aroused and going to bed groggy? That's testosterone.


Another quite 'measurable' 'cycle' is the annual one... we usually have lower levels of testosterone in spring than in winter (contrary to popular belief, winter is the time when we are most likely to explore our own and others' beds).


Well yes, my friend. From the age of 30, testosterone production begins to decrease by 1% per year, year after year. Subtle but undeniable. And it's not just age: stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and sleeping less than an insomniac bat also affect it. There are studies that actually measure the generalized decline of testosterone in men over generations (we opine, we don't judge).


A significant drop in testosterone levels is linked (the causal relationship is in question; that is, it's not certain which came first, the chicken or the egg) to:

  • Striking muscles: It's harder for you to gain muscle and you lose it faster than dignity at a karaoke.
  • Beer belly: Fat accumulates, especially in places where it didn't before.
  • Zombie mode activated: You lack energy, you feel slow, and concentrating is harder than assembling an IKEA furniture.
  • Libido in "saving mode": Less desire, fewer erections...
  • Soap opera mood: More irritability, anxiety, and unexplained sadness.

On the shady side of associations, there is also a relationship between testosterone and obesity, depression, petit suisse rates, reduction of immune system activity, or risk of cardiovascular diseases, among others (we don't want to scare you... it is what it is).


The good news is that, age aside, there's a lot we can do to contribute to the natural production of testosterone (warning, this is a blog for laughs. For medication... see a doctor).

  • For the body: Exercise, especially weightlifting about twice a week and high-intensity workouts, are like fuel for your testosterone.
  • For the mouth:  Plenty of protein, healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil, ), your good plate of legumes and, if you're lacking and can't get it naturally, with supplementation: zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, ashwagandha, ginseng, saw palmetto...
  • For the night: If you sleep less than 7 hours, your testosterone goes on vacation. Create a routine: less screen time before bed and more deep, cool sleep.
  • For calmness: Cortisol (the stress hormone) is the archenemy of testosterone. Try meditation, deep breathing, or at least, stop getting angry at traffic as if it were an Olympic sport. Limiting coffee consumption also helps. 


First, relax and calm down. After all, you already knew about the healthy lifestyle thing. And then, there's a certain mental liberation in knowing that your comings and goings, your possible random freak-outs, and your beer belly have an ancient and biological reason: it's not you, it's your hormones. Aging with 'lots of strength', as the bullfighter used to say, is possible and only requires that you love yourself a lot, enough to want to be with yourself for many more years.

P.S.: This blog is sponsored by Wowyoung – it doesn't affect testosterone but it does affect the collagen production in your face. To look like a 20-year-old stud even though your inner devil is more experienced than mischievous.

My Testosterone’s Down, My Mood’s a Mess 

My king, if lately you're more tired than the mechanic of the Transformers, you've got 'love handles' on the sides of your belly and after the first pump you feel more like spooning than thinking about the second round... your testosterone levels might be through the floor.


Today we talk about the 'rule' of men, about our 'cycles', about our 'menopause', sudden mood changes... and what to do to keep feeling like an alpha wolf or, at least, a fit shepherd dog for many years.


Testosterone is the Chuck Norris of your hormones. It's the one that caused your voice to break and change, made your testicles drop, gave you a beard and hair all over, the one that made you hotter than a slide in summer when you were a teenager. But it's not just about libido: it's also the hormone that regulates your metabolism, your energy, and even your mood. A good level of testosterone makes you feel like a Viking ready for battle at all times. 


Men also have our hormonal cycles, although they are not as pronounced or regular as women's. The most significant, in fact, are DAILY with peaks of testosterone that alternate about 6-7 times a day and last about 20-45 minutes. Waking up aroused and going to bed groggy? That's testosterone.


Another quite 'measurable' 'cycle' is the annual one... we usually have lower levels of testosterone in spring than in winter (contrary to popular belief, winter is the time when we are most likely to explore our own and others' beds).


Well yes, my friend. From the age of 30, testosterone production begins to decrease by 1% per year, year after year. Subtle but undeniable. And it's not just age: stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and sleeping less than an insomniac bat also affect it. There are studies that actually measure the generalized decline of testosterone in men over generations (we opine, we don't judge).


A significant drop in testosterone levels is linked (the causal relationship is in question; that is, it's not certain which came first, the chicken or the egg) to:

  • Striking muscles: It's harder for you to gain muscle and you lose it faster than dignity at a karaoke.
  • Beer belly: Fat accumulates, especially in places where it didn't before.
  • Zombie mode activated: You lack energy, you feel slow, and concentrating is harder than assembling an IKEA furniture.
  • Libido in "saving mode": Less desire, fewer erections...
  • Soap opera mood: More irritability, anxiety, and sadness for no apparent reason.

On the shady side of associations, there is also a relationship between testosterone and obesity, depression, petit suisse rates, reduction of immune system activity, or risk of cardiovascular diseases, among others (we don't want to scare you... it is what it is).


The good news is that, age aside, there's a lot we can do to contribute to the natural production of testosterone (warning, this is a blog for laughs. For medication... see a doctor). 

  • For the body: exercise, especially weightlifting about twice a week and high-intensity workouts, are like fuel for your testosterone.
  • For the mouth:  plenty of protein, healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil, ), your good plate of legumes and, if you lack it and can't get it naturally, with supplementation: zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, ashwagandha, ginseng, saw palmetto...
  • For the night: if you sleep less than 7 hours, your testosterone goes on vacation. Create a routine: less screen time before bed and more deep, cool sleep.
  • For calmness: cortisol (the stress hormone) is the archenemy of testosterone. Try meditation, deep breathing, or at least, stop getting angry at traffic as if it were an Olympic sport. Limiting coffee consumption also helps.


First, relax and calm down. After all, you already knew about the healthy lifestyle thing. And then, there's a certain mental liberation in knowing that your comings and goings, your possible random freak-outs, and your beer belly have an ancient and biological reason: it's not you, it's your hormones. Aging with 'lots of strength', as the bullfighter used to say, is possible and only requires that you love yourself a lot, enough to want to be with yourself for many more years.

P.S.: This blog is sponsored by Wowyoung – it doesn't affect testosterone but it does affect the collagen production in your face. To look like a 20-year-old stud even though your inner devil is more experienced than mischievous.

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