Purposes with grounds

How many resolutions from the typical list we make every January have we accomplished in recent years? 

2020 no
cuenta, que hubo una pandemia universal... 2021 tampoco… que la cosa no se llegó a solucionarse del todo… 

2022… is our year 🤘

In 2022 I'm going to drink less (the hangovers are getting harder), I'm going to beat myself up at the gym; leave social media at night, when I go 🔥, or when I go 🥴; I'm going to read, meditate - which is fashionable -, spend more time with my family, eat better, look for a new job...

We have 12 months ahead of us; a blank canvas to be able to draw ourselves as we always wanted.  Of course, depending on how we approach it... we could be self-sabotaging at first; cheating the solitaire... and without being aware of it.  

Therefore, today we tell you the typical mistakes that we all make when we make lists of resolutions and how to avoid them. 

1. Avoid long deadlines, rather VERY short goals

A study  recent demonstrated the relationship between procrastinating (that is, not doing a single thing) and setting medium/long-term goals (e.g. I'm going to have a fuck body in June).

Dates that are too far in the future eliminate the urgency to act and encourage us to stop .  

It's not that you lack motivation. The thing is that your body, since the historical times of our reptilian brain, is designed so that you prioritize rest over action. The motivation to flee from a T-Rex that is chasing you is a wonderful biological weapon… but you cannot rely on it alone (especially that it is consistent) to have long-term results.  

How to combat the lack of future motivation that WILL HAPPEN TO YOU LIKE EVERYONE? Well, always starting with micro-tiny habits (e.g. I'm going to do one push-up a day, then two, then three, then four), making it almost impossible not to do ... and always celebrating it - even if it's with a small victory dance - afterwards ( that in the end we are not so different from dogs and that is how things become fixed in our brain).   

Come on, what it means is getting off the vine and making your way by walking, step by step.

2. You are insignificant to the universe… so start thinking about yourself

We have all thought about our “purpose” at some point; in our 'legacy'; on our 'mission'... (very much like a movie)... 

And we compare ourselves with people we consider “successful” because they have a lot of things (money, cars, trips,…), they fuck a lot, or they appear on TV and in the press. 

Now, throughout humanity, there have been 100 billion men and women. Truly rich, about 2,700 . And truly relevant Leonardo or Einstein type... 100 at most (even a Tim Cook will be forgotten just like the name who invented the gramophone)  

The point is: you are someone very small and insignificant in the world and in history. 

 What burden?  you will say... 
 Quite the opposite! - how liberating and empowering!

First, thinking like this helps you lower expectations about what you consider success.

Second, if the world doesn't care about you... why not start thinking about making happy those who really do? That is, yourself? 

This is not about posterity, future and pyramids; It's about being happy with realistic and desirable goals. Take on almost any career or hobby if it makes the people around you and yourself a little happier. 

3. If the world stopped... what would you stop doing? What would you keep and what would you make new?

Have you ever thought “what would happen if the world stopped overnight”?  

Well, the world literally came to a standstill overnight in March 2020. Which gave us time to see what was right... And what was not. In our lives and in general.

For many, what was wrong was: everything. Above all, work and this pressure to be hyperproductive. Last November alone , more than 4.5 million Americans left their jobs just because, because they were fed up. The phenomenon is called The Great Renunciation.

The people have complained. Globally and personally. We are not encouraging you to abandon everything, but rather to give yourself a bit of a 'rethink' mood and go back to the basics. Not to assume that everything has to remain the same as last year... but rather that you have the power to remove things, change others and add new ones.   

To make room for the new... many times you have to throw away or move old things.

Conclusion: for 2022 we want meaningful purposes

Our plan for 2022 is clear: more slow-life, more looking at yourself, less thinking about posterity (or your boss, or your company, or that report that is about to be sent), less living fast with deadlines that You're not going to comply... And more chill.

If 2022 has to bring you something that is neither an ulcer nor depression. Let it be being normal; good; happy. 

Our proposed resolutions for 2022 are less ambitious and megalomaniacal. Get rid of the lists, the KPIs, the notebooks and the systems that they sell you on Instagram to change your body and soul in 60 days.

It's more about a vital attitude (I'm hot...) and taking small steps day by day. If everything fails? To start again, where we left off, the next day

P.S. If you feel like starting with skin self-care this January, not by imposition but by your own decision, you can give the megazord of Siwon products a try. The "Head Turner Set" comes with:  

  • Handsomefyer to look pibonexico in your plans, 
  • Dragon Shot to hydrate your winter face and 
  • Giggleberries to condition your bass. 

A January of aesthetic resolutions from top to bottom, wow. 👯‍♂️

68,85 €
59,95 €

Chest for (self)gifts to meet all purposes. 
Con Dragon Shot, Handsomefyer y Giggleberries.

We do cool right!