Resetting the router... How to on (and off) your responsibilities
Life overwhelms you, routine stresses you out, chaos surrounds you everywhere... and you just want to disconnect, escape and leave responsibilities behind... At least for a while. You need - and even more so in a time of confinements and perimeter closures - to escape, even if you can't get out the door, not because you don't fit, but out of caution and mental health.

There are those who listen to chill-out, others write, some take a warm shower or do transcendental meditation, they connect with their chi... the ways are many, but the philosophy is the same: recharge your batteries with moments for your ego worship that They spread more than they cost. Welcome to the hygge philosophy.
Hygge: more than an activity, a vital attitude.
Hygge comes from Denmark. The “hygge”. Ein? And what are they, Danish figs? No, hygge is anything that makes you happy, even if just for a moment. It happens that the UN rated Denmark in 2012 as the happiest country in the world. Because they practice hygge. Daily. They take life as a total hygge.
Okay… ok… what's that about then?
It has to do with 'behaving well with yourself' and indulging yourself: pampering yourself, having a pleasant time and not denying yourself anything or punishing yourself for it:
The typical example for the Danes is spending a winter afternoon in front of the fireplace, with a thick blanket, a warm chocolate and your woolly dog at your feet while you read a book and have relaxing background music... that is hygge for them.

But come on, borrowing the philosophy and in the absence of a fireplace in your shared apartment, you could use a chocolate donut, a nap with a blanket and the bad movie on Antena 3 on Sundays. That's more like national hygge...
What all your life has been called lying down, taking a break or a moment for yourself... but the key is to 'do it on purpose' because you want to enjoy it and without feeling bad, quite the opposite.
Basic principles for a hygge moment that works and recharges.
Well, that's it, understanding that some people like to lounge around, others are more into board games an afternoon with colleagues, others are more into sunbathing in a park... knowing that plans change for each person, there are a series of principles that They ensure you get the most out of that delicious little time of hygge.
1. Reserve and protect that time for yourself
Say that you have met and do not allow plans just before or just after, otherwise you will be in a hurry. Put it on your agenda if you want... but don't even let going down for the bread or taking a look at the lentils get in the way and interrupt your little Zen time.
2. Block out the noise around you
'During' that time, it is better to turn off your phone, that your mother or anyone else should turn on the vacuum cleaner and also remove any other notifications (from the computer, from Alexa or from the coffee maker). Only noises chosen by you and your playlist (if you could even avoid the ads... it would be awesome).
3. Take it out on yourself

Prepare it well: a candle in the bathtub, music that makes you move your head from side to side, your favorite food at the door of your house (making something delicious yourself is supposed to add hygge points... but we know that you have very worthy options and full of chocolate at the click of a button), your time choosing a bad movie... preparation is key to fully enjoying what is coming.
4. Gozadera mode ON
R E C R E A T E. Although it sounds a bit happypower, think about how comfortable you are, how lucky you are and sink into the tiki tiki feeling. Forget about what you have to do next or all the unresolved things that await you at work because at that moment there is only one protagonist and it is you, savoring your moment of ego worship.
5. Loop repeat mode
Master yoda mode occurs when hygge is part of your life and happens daily. But nothing happens and you can go little by little if you accumulate more stress than the Kardashians' hairdresser. At the very least, you negotiate (with yourself and your surroundings) a weekly time to begin to feel at peace with yourself and with the rest. With hygge, the longer and more frequent the repetitions, the more pleasurable (and not like with burpees).
Final recommendation

You already know that we at Siwon love accompanying your moments of enjoyment with our mandanguita that adapts to you. The best example is our Heroes' Recharging Mask : our battery-recharging facial mask, designed for that Sunday at home where you receive everything you have earned during the week. Get them to top off a fat hygge moment.
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