The drunkenness on your skin

Here is the definitive condensation of knowledge: we save you the scientific research to summarize how alcohol affects your skin; tricks and hacks to avoid consequences and wisdom from the neighborhood, street and bar so that the hangover only affects your liver and not your face. Because we love you.

"Every self-respecting man should get drunk as the old custom dictates: at the slightest provocation, and preferably at any public ceremony." Mark Twain

Alcohol and disgusted face - why such a bad face after a day of partying?

We start with the basic and easy. Alcohol, my friend, is a diuretic, that is, it causes you to go pee every 30 seconds and that is why you become dehydrated. If you become extremedehydrated, you will wrinkle (literally). If this were not enough, there are people whose alcohol also inflames them (also literally) causing their skin to turn red or break out in pimples.

If you drink a lot, your face will look disgusted. REAL. We're not talking about having a beer or a glass of wine or something like that... but about having a good fart. People say 'it doesn't affect me and I wake up great...' or 'if you drink good alcohol nothing will happen to you' LIE. Haters come to me.

What is true is that depending on age, sex and metabolism... it can take from days to hours until the effects of a good hangover wear off.

  • A 20-year-old man with genetics 'favorable' to alcohol... in 3 hours he can be ready to go running.

  • Woman over 30 years old and with a bad predisposition? Up to 3 days to erase all evidence of the crime.

  • In between will be your case, which is the most normal of all and worsens with age.

So yes, children, drinking makes you look disgusted... but it won't be the first 'poison' we consciously take, so let's move on to the next chapter on how to minimize the effects and shorten the time between 'disgusted face' and face. presentable to your in-laws.

What to drink to reduce a hangover – choose your “poison” wisely.

From 'best' to 'worst' hangovers, the order of alcohols would be:

  • The more transparent 'colored' the better. Vodka, gin, tequila and the rest of the 'white' alcohols have fewer additives than the rest. More additives means that your body has to work harder to break down the drink and separate the alcohol from what is not. More work means less energy available to recover. Or worse.

  • If you don't like hard drinks, the next least bad thing for a hangover is beer or red wine

  • Finally, the darker alcohols (Scotch, Bourbon, whiskey, ...) are the ones that leave the worst hangovers (although good memories and memorable nights).

Debunking myths about alcohol and skin

1. Is mixing worse than NOT mixing? Mix itself, IT DOES NOT MATTER. The trick is that when you mix, you control worse - that is, you don't even remember how many drinks you've ordered... so you usually end the night with more liters and less dignity in your body than you planned. What is 'less good' is mixing with Coca-Cola, orange and similar because of the extra effort your body has to make in separating things. So maybe, if you can choose, better ice or sparkling water and ready as a mix.

2. Do vitamin B12 pills work against hangovers? Nope… for now it's a myth because we haven't found any serious scientific paper that supports it. 'But I have a colleague who came into the emergency room with an alcohol coma and they gave it to him!', you say. Well... rather what they gave him was a cocktail of motherfucking vitamins that had glucose, B1, B6... B12... but what the doctors did was control his sugar levels so that your colleague wouldn't get (even) worse. …I assure you that the hangover the next day was still incredible. There are studies that say that B12 can relieve hangover symptoms… but not much more than the results you would get by eating healthy the day after a party.

3. Does drinking on a plane increase more? Well this is 'half true'. Why do you seem to fart faster on a plane? For two reasons: - First, the cabin is a dry place and the hot air conditioning in your face does not help with the issue of hydration and leaving your face looking like a raisin that we mentioned above. - The second? The altitude. Since the plane is so high, the pressure produces a small lack of oxygen that resembles (and resembles and multiplies) the effects of a mini-drunk. But come on, no more sensation than if you drink on the peak of a mountain with the air in front of you for a long time, do I understand?

4. Is a glass of red wine daily good for your skin?

Some will say... 'I've heard that a glass of red wine is very good for the skin!' Let's see... there is a move that is the ferulic acid found in grapes and yes, it is cane, but... the alcohol and sugar in red wine destroy all the good things we had there, so NO... if you drink a bottle of wine daily is NOT doing it for your skin, admit it and get over it.

5. Does it rise more in summer?

The heat and the sun... dehydrate. So the straw from the beach bar tastes better, but it leaves you with more effects than a cigar. Is that the effect that makes the English not know how to drink in Mallorca? Maybe, we will continue investigating.

Hacks for milder hangovers

And finally, here are some pre- and post-tips once you have chosen your poison and know that you are going to get it and return home on a flying carpet no matter what.

  • Try alternating a glass of water or another non-alcoholic, low-sugar drink between drinks (your wallet and your liver will thank you at the end of the night).

  • Take a shower at the end of the night. If you manage to get home and not lose your keys and wallet… tell your lifesaving zombie SELF to crawl into the shower for 5 minutes. You are amazed by the amount of water that the body is able to absorb through the skin. A shower when you get home blind is the equivalent of drinking 1 liter of water... which is the milk to reduce the headache the next day.

  • Wash your face and apply moisturizer right before bed. That way you can prolong the hydration effect and avoid waking up like a vacuum bag.

  • Pasta before and fruit after. Pasta helps... yes... but BEFORE going out to party! Good 'little bed' for what comes next. The next day and no matter how much you don't feel like it... fruit is the best. Force yourself to eat a banana or a juice next to that piece of reheated pizza that is going to fall no matter what.

  • The next day, drink plenty of water (if it is with a little lemon, much better) even if you don't feel like anything. It's hard at first, but you notice it over time. Don't stop until you're transparent!

  • " Heroes Recharging Mask " facial mask for the day after. Obviously, since we've worked hard at reading... in exchange we had to give you the commercial spot, right? But the idea is that the next day your skin needs an extra dose of delicious things to bring it back into balance... and our mask has them all!

The summary:

  • If you know you are going to get it, choose your poison carefully, the purer, transparent and unmixed the better.

  • Before, during and after, water, water, water everywhere and good food.

  • Go from myths and grandmother's stories.

  • And for hangover days… Heroes' Recharging Mask .


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